Kyoko Toyama

Question: What sets LaGuardia a part from other two-year institutions?

Kyoko Toyama, Counselor, College Discovery Program and Coordinator, Graduate Intern Training Program

“First of all, LaGuardia has one of the most diverse student bodies, not just based on the traditional cultural stratifications such as language, race and ethnicity but also based on academic, socio-economic and ability (physical, emotional, etc.)  This makes our work challenging, exciting and rewarding.  LaGuardia also is extremely innovative and there is always something interesting going on at the College.  Collaboration is strongly encouraged not only among faculty and staff but also between faculty and students. Lastly and most importantly, our students are so resilient and loyal to the educational commitment they made despite many difficulties they may face.  Each one of them has a unique and compelling background and it’s worth writing a story about each one of them.”

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